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Notice from Durness Community Council Community update 6/4/20
Firstly a big thank you to all residents of our parish for embracing the current restrictions and government guidelines. Secondly to all those providing help at this time: Shop Workers, Nurses, Doctors, Bin men, Bus Drivers and those helping their neighbours. Thank you.
We understand that everybody is still worried at this time, worried for family and friends, worried for our elderly, worried about our jobs and business. It is only natural to worry about these things. It is by all playing our part and pulling together that we will come through this as best we can.
Social Distancing Everyone seems to be complying with the advice set out by the government on this. Certainly people are still chatting with one another and importantly keeping the 2m distance.
Support list We have had a good response to our call for people to register their details with the community council, thought there are still a few gaps. If your household is not yet registered then please do so soon. The purpose of this list is to help us step in to provide support as the situation progresses. As people become ill we aim to step in and provide them assistance and also for anybody that person was supporting.
The Durness Bus The Durness bus is providing a variety of services across the community, including shopping deliveries and delivering meals on wheels services. http://www.thedurnessbus.com/
Food Bank A food bank facility is being run by the minister for any in need during these difficult times. This can be accessed by contacting Rev Andrea on 07766456226. All calls will be in strictest confidence.
Meals on wheels A meals on wheels service has been set up and will take place every Wednesday and Friday. This can accessed by contacting Christine Corbett on 01971 521 460.