Bard Terrace: the DCG owns No.1 Bard Terrace which is rented out and generates a valuable income.
BIDs funding: in 2020, the Durness Development Group, as it then was, in conjunction with the Durness Community Council (DCC), obtained funding amounting to £2000 from the Towns and Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) Resilience and Recovery Fund to assist local businesses with the added costs due to the pandemic. £1000 was spent on four ‘fogger’ disinfecting machines and refills; the other £1000 was used to refund the costs of purchasing pandemic prevention equipment. Reimbursements to a maximum of £50 were paid to individual businesses upon application. This fund is now closed.
Disinfectant refills are still available for delivery or collection from Ron Tucker, Ceol-na-Mara, Lerin; 511383; 07977 497354.
Cape Wrath Toilets: good news for all those who enjoy visiting Cape Wrath and the Ozone Café! The DCG’s contribution of £10,000 has enabled the installation of toilets built to a higher spec than was originally envisaged when the café owner purchased an additional building from the Highland Council and started work on creating a toilet block. The new facilities should be ready for the summer season in 2021.
Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party: the DCG organises and funds the annual party at the Smoo Cave Hotel which includes transport for those who need it, an excellent meal, music from the Primary school children and local musicians who play for the dancing, singing, games and a gift from Santa Claus.
Youth Work: this is an important strand in the DCG’s remit but it has been difficult to develop and maintain the level of provision to which it aspires. As it has been impossible to recruit youth workers in Durness, the weekly Youth Club has ceased for the time being. However, the DCG does give financial support to the Youth Badminton Club in Durness and, with Highlife Highland, a joint weekly project in Kinlochbervie.
Zoom: the DCG has purchased Zoom Pro which allows for longer meetings without the need to extend by rescheduling (normally Zoom meetings of more than two participants are limited to 40 minutes). This facility is available to any group or committee in Durness through